Unveiling Deliverance One Episode At A Time!


Whenever we talk about saving rescues from human trafficking, we focus on the crime, capturing the criminal, and rescuing the victim…but there is more to the story.




In this episode of “Liberty Unveiled” Brad talks with Pastor Sam Jones about the importance of starting the healing process.


Pastor Sam shares some startling insights he learned about the role of foster families, technology in human trafficking and pornography and the power of the Gospel in forgiveness and restoration.


Brad shares the dangers rescue organizations often face in human trafficking, the cycle of pain that can turn an abused person into an abuser, the Gospel, and the Gospel’s connection to the Law in our lives.


In this unforgettable episode, both Sam and Brad talk about how we can transform some of the darkest parts of humanity with the transforming redeeming power of Jesus.


As we move through this uncertain and dark time, this is a message that we all need to hear.It’s also a conversation that we need to have with ourselves…and within our communities


Key Takeaways for Your NonProfit

  • The important work of Teshuah Tea Company
  • The surprising thing Pastor Sam learned about human trafficking while taking a foster family course
  • Why human trafficking victims don’t just run away
  • The scary reality of microchips in human trafficking
  • The powerful negative impact abuse can have a child’s life…for years
  • How pornography connects to human trafficking
  • Understanding why society is quiet about sexual sin and human trafficking
  • Looking at the mirror
  • The power of gospel to heal from all sin
  • The truly powerful words Jesus prayed while He was nailed to the cross
  • Are we free from the Law because of Christ?
  • Are the Commandments relevant to Christians today?


Conversation Highlights

[0:42]Teshuah Tea Company


[1:49] How does Elizabeth’s strategy get results in 5 days?


[2:00] Problems in human trafficking rescue


[4:34] The unfortunate cycle of pain that can turn a victim into an abuse


[6:14] The use of technology in human trafficking


[8:05] Why don’t victims just run away


[14:02] Microchips and their dake side


[14:07] What can you sell as a nonprofit?


[31:39] Pornography and it’s connection to human trafficking


[35:45] The redeeming power of the Gospel


[37:10] The power of God’s forgiveness..from the cross


[39:10] Are Christians under the Law?


[40:10] Why the Law isn’t forgotten


[51:46] Why loving God is keeping the Commandments


[55:30] Keeping the Law in your home


Quotes to Remember

“Almost all of the pimps [we’ve encountered] have been trafficked before.”


“When you hurt a little one, it does damage for years.”


“The youngest person that they reduced was 3 months…I don’t even know what to say about that.”


“Jesus dies so…[we] can be a radically new person.”


About Our Sponsor

Teshuah Tea Company dedicated to helping women build lives of recovery from abuse, human trafficking, and sexual slavery. The business supports the Teshuahah House, which provides job and skills training, recovery and rehabilitation.


Visit the site at Teshuah Tea Company or DeliveranceTea.com


Learn more about the Liberty Unveiled Podcast here.


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Foster Care and Human Trafficking

What You Need to Know About Foster Care and Human Trafficking

Human Traffickers Implant Their Slaves with RFID Chip

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